The visual arts potential of Kenya’s former international boxer, Benson Gicharu, has once again been manifested in the masterpiece portrait he has produced of International Boxing Association (IBA) President Umar Kremlev.

Gicharu says it took him three weeks and two days to complete work on this unique work of art that shows his creativity and originality.

“The portrait is made up of newspaper and magazine cuttings fixed together to make his face,” explains Gicharu.

“It was not easy. For instance, it took me two days to complete his face. I remember working on the left ear for the whole day,” says Gicharu, a double medallist in the Commonwealth Games, two-time Olympian and a silver medallist in the 2012 Africa Olympic qualifiers in Casablanca, Morocco.

Gicharu further narrates how he produced IBA President Kremlev’s portrait.

“First I made sure the background was unique. I can say it was timely, too considering that the background magazine was published while I was working on the portrait, it’s made up of newspaper and magazine cuttings that I put together to make his face. There are some areas where I found myself making mistakes, so I would add another paper on top to see if it fits well.

“Looking at the final results, I can say it was worth it for a leader who has revolutionized boxing by improving the lives of many boxers worldwide through prize money tournaments. I had to make a unique portrait for President Kremlev.”

Once complete, Gicharu’s next hurdle was how to deliver the portrait to President Kremlev.

He didn’t have to wait long. I came in handy when I landed the Dubai trip through IBA’s invitation. Therefore everything worked well to clinical perfection as I delivered the portrait home. I’m sure Kremlev will love this unique piece of art from Gicharu who is also the coach and owner of Mukuru Fight-4-Life Boxing Club., pub-9628194300074375, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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